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Bullshit Mark 1: The Dawn of a New Age.


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I made it


Any idea what the payload thing on our profiles on the old site are about?


From: Megami Bloodmoon at 2023-04-03 23:51:19
That lets you get into the LL revival but the site is down right now.

interesting, i couldnt figure out what to do with it

Jarl of the Void

I only just realized we cant even post on the old site.

Jarl of the Void

im gonna miss the old site, all the memories we made together in those old BS topics.

Jarl of the Void

i have an abscess tooth

Jarl of the Void

ive also been having a lot of stomach issues. Ive ate almost a whole bottle of tums today and barely ate any real food because all i can do is spew stomach acid

My depression has been debilitating since my dog had to be put down.

for the first time since that happened i had an hour of clarity today and managed to clean up a little bit

Jarl of the Void

my dog was my only emotional support

my depression was bad before, but i could manage, now, if im not at work im sitting on my bed, not moving, maybe playing a game, but i cant even muster up the drive to play a game some days

Jarl of the Void

i dont want to kill myself

but i do wish id just not wake up sometimes

Jarl of the Void

you can still send PMs on the old site btw

Jarl of the Void

oh, there is also a place on the wiki to say goodbyes

Jarl of the Void

I have a mouse in my room. I bought 2 traps today and set them.

Jarl of the Void

the other site is up now as well, the one we need our payload for.

Jarl of the Void

damnit, i keep hitting tab enter to space down in my message and its posting before im done

i am making a bullshit topic there, not sure if i can link there or not

Jarl of the Void

i dont see why not, since tiko has a pinned topic linking it, and you cant get in without a payload anyway

Edited by Reaper at 2023-04-05 00:06:322023-04-05 00:06
Jarl of the Void
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